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April 29, 2010

alas I am sick

So last weekend was great.  My friend Dan from Brown, who studied abroad in Salvador, is back visiting for a month.  On saturday we took a lovely walk down a crowded street with lots of vendors! I bought some shoes (finally) and had lunch at this amazing vegetarian/vegan restaurant (why I did not go before I do not know!)
Then I went with Dan, Estela and Helder to the most amazing ice cream shop that was quite far.  Estela drove us and was a most amazing host.  I believe it may have been the best ice cream I have ever had (and yes I do have pictures and they will be up on my food blog eventually...see below).  Then we went to the beach to watch the sunset.  It was a fabulous day.
On sunday I went to a lunch of one of Dra Fabiannas relatives to celebrate the baptism of twins.  They were adorable and it was one of the poshest parties I have ever been to!  The mother really had an eye for party planning.  Every detail was perfect.  I definitely felt out of place....since I was wearing a simple dress and flats and all the women were in gorgeous dresses and very high heels. I have pictures and will post them later when I return home.  Why am I not at home you may ask?
I have been staying at Dra Fabianna's house since monday so she can keep an eye on me.  I have a fever and rash....and probably have some sort of viral infection, but puzzling nonetheless to both ID doctors that have seen me.  But it certainly has taken me out, like no other illness has before.  Anyway, I think that I am on the path to recovery so hopefully I will be in full form on saturday where I will be going to Praia de Forte (where there are honu or turtles!) and on sunday there is the Disney parade (not entirely sure what that will entail but I am sure I will be entertained)

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